Thursday, October 28, 2010

Moving cows home

After two days of snow and lots and lots of wind it's nicer today. We herded some cows home today. Everything went pretty good they went the wrong way a couple of times, but they are heifers and don't know the way home yet!!!
wrong way girls!! When they came to the next intersection I was taking pictures out the side of the pickup and looked in front and they were coming towards me so I jumped out and started waving my arms! "no girls you are going the wrong way!!!!"
Finally they made it home, but then wasn't sure they wanted to be there so some more arm waving. Look at that snow I'm not ready for that yet.
 Happy trick or treating everyone.  

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back to the baby quilt and the PBR

This is the picture I was trying to get on the last post.
  I watched the finals of the PBR (professional bull riding) this week and it ended today, but not with the guy that I wanted to win!
  Like Father Paul said in church today be grateful for all our blessings and share them with others. Have a good week!! jmf

Baby quilt

It's finished well except for the label on the back. It got alittle big for a baby quilt I guess he will have to grow into it.

 I have a passion for western fabric!! Hope I get my stash of it all sewn into something someday.
I was trying to upload another pic of the quilt but it's not working so I guess I better get to work.  Later jmf

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Planting trees.

We bought 3 spruce trees to plant in our yard. They were about 5 to 6 feet tall and came with easy to plant instructions!! Well you know that never turns out as planned. Our son started out helping then he got a call to help a neighbor that had his combine stuck, but wait another neighbor is driving by yes he's stopping! He digs right in and in no time the tree is planted. One down 2 to go. Its late so they wait til tomorrow. Then it's just me and the one that wanted the trees in the first place!! So here we go one more done the 3rd got planted later that day. They do look nice. We both love trees so the backache and sore neck will fade to black!