Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lots of green with a dash of purple............

 Sunset coming home from Madison the other night.

 Green striped grass

 Lambs ear.
 Hydrangea I only got one flower last year.
 Hen an chicks I lost alot of them over the winter.
 I was going to dig these hostas up again this year didn't happen again. If you want some let me know and I'll dig them this fall.

 I hope these fill in over time.
 The alfalfa/grass mix is getting tall it will be time to hay soon.
 New growth.
 I dug up some of the striped grass it was taking over the heatpump. I moved it to the side of the boys fort, it looks alittle tough but I pulled on it and I think it is rooting down. I will be shady there so maybe it won't do as well. I thought it was better than throwing it away tho.
 Some kind of grass!!!

 This is my only flowers, a Mother's day gift from Jared's. It's the first year that I can remember not buying flowers to plant. It's not to late I just need to get somewhere and buy some.

I think spring is here.........JMF

1 comment:

cyndiofthevortex said...

Lovely plants! I've been moving mine all around this spring and they've all taken to their new homes very nicely. I'm so thankful for that! I'm a new gardener and not always sure what I'm doing. My only regret is the ajuga and the mint growing in the back garden. They have both taken over! Friends don't give friends ajuga or mint!