Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sheep, Cattle, and Buffalo and my!!!!!

 Our grandson John wanted some ewes to lamb out. After alot of checking Craigslist and some begging his dad he bought 4 bred ewes! This old girl had triplets it took alot out of her and she took a few days to get going again. She is up and running now.
 He ended up with 7 lambs. These are the first lambs at their place in many years. My aunt and uncle raised sheep on this farm for many years. I plan on printing a picture out for Arlene, I'm sure it will bring back lots of memories for her.
 They are a wild bunch. The ewes came from Wy so not to used to people:)
 The back pen has his bottle lambs.
 The weather has been great for walking so I took my camera with me the other day.
 In a few days all these girls need to go to the calving pasture. We have had 2 calves already. One this morning, John spotted it on their way to school, and called Greg's cell to tell him about it that it was up but looked wet and cold. Mom and calf are in the barn now.
 Greg locked the buffalo up and even though they have plenty of room and feed they want to go back to the other side of the fence. It's always greener you know:)
 I think they just check everyday to see if the gate is open.
One of the fall calves soon they will be weaned and their mom's will be checked to see if they will have calves again in the fall. A farmer/ranchers work is never done......................JMF

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