Thursday, September 5, 2013

Anyone for apple pie?????

 Apple picking time!! My tree is wedged in between lilac bushes,and maple trees so there are more apples on the west side than the other sides of the tree.I guess then I don't have to worry about having so many apples to deal with:)
 First up apple pie bars. My crust was a mess to roll out but it tasted good.
 A little icing and it's done.
 Just enough apples and crust left to make a little pie in the cast iron skillet, crumb topping and alittle frosting never hurt.
 Clean up in isle 3...............please I make such a mess when I bake.
 A call for help and parts. Greg needed some guards and cutter deals (I know that's not what they are called but can't think of the real name:)) Anyhoo away I went with camera in hand. He was cutting some of the calving pasture for hay.
 It looks like the grass I paid for last fall!! The grass I bought is called Indian grass but he thought this was blue gamma.
 Warm in the winter and shady in the summer! That's my shadow I said I'll stand and be your shade LOL he said it helped! He's the warm one in the winter tho my feet are always cold.
 On the way home I made a little detour to take a few pictures.

 Now I am sneaking through the corn to take some pictures of these..................
 The geese were up on the hill eating alfalfa.

 I had taken  afew pictures and my camera battery was getting low so I whistled and that perked them up.
 More coming to see what's up!
 I was getting hot and bothered in the tall corn so out I came and there they went.
See ya later.
2 hummingbirds were flying around  trying to get to the feeder and not wanting to share. I finally got one in mid flight................JMF


Carol said...

Great posts today. Always love rural pictures. Hummingbirds are hard to capture at the right moment. Apple desserts looking good...what time is coffee???

Janet said...

Yum--apples. I made apple pie today for the silagers. I had to buy the Granny Smiths in town. I love those apple bars even more than pie. My sister-in-law always brings us apples and then I make those bars for pheasant hunters. Love looking at your pictures!

Sara said...

As always, your photos are wonderful. And your apple treats look yummy. Careful - you might get unexpected visitors dropping in to help you eat them.

Ranch Wife said...

Well, I suppose I'm kinda late for that apple pie! :) But is sure does look good! I'm all for cooking anything and everything in a cast iron skillet! Your pictures are great - looks like you are loving that camera! I'm envious. I don't get out behind mine often enough.

Ranch Wife said...

Well, I suppose I'm kinda late for that apple pie! :) But is sure does look good! I'm all for cooking anything and everything in a cast iron skillet! Your pictures are great - looks like you are loving that camera! I'm envious. I don't get out behind mine often enough.