Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cows, Cookies, and Books.....

Last night Greg and I went to check some pastures, and take salt and mineral to the cattle. It was pretty nice out but by the time we were getting done the mosquitoes were coming out.
Greg had been to some pastures earlier in the day so he was still hooked up and ready when he asked me to go along with him. The black tub wired on the front of the 4wheeler is his version of the baskets we used to have on our peddle bikes!!!!!!!!!!!! It's handy for hauling things and doesn't rattle because it's rubber. Just doesn't look to cool!

Everyone looks good!

 Enough grass for everyone!

 Belly deep in grass looks so good to us.
What's her problem??
 An old barn in one of the pastures
 Bad Bad thistle
 The pastures have plenty of water too.
 And we're out of there...........
I made these cookies today. Oreo Pudding Cookies. When I saw the recipe on the internet I thought good luck finding the pudding. Then I went into Rusty's and there is was big as life!!!!!!!!!!  They are pretty good. The recipe is on
And the lost have been found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been looking for these books as I couldn't remember who I had lent them too. I was so happy when I found them at my mother-in-laws. It was like finding a treasure I know I know I'm a dork but I love my books. Now I am just missing 3 more. I know where one is but not sure about the other 2.
Ok I better get to work Matt, Kari and the kids are stopping sometime today.    JMF


Jan Maree said...

Love you farm photos - it makes for some intersting reading for a city slickers who always thought she should have married a farmer not a corporate type (but I do love my corporate type!). The cookies look yummy - way too tempting!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

All that green grass makes me want to cry. I'm so glad y'all are green though. We use the same type of mineral tubs and on a positive note, we don't have to fight mosquitoes. I think I would rather have them than this crazy heat though! I have pictures of when we were that green, It seems like so long ago...sigh. Your cookies look delicious. I don't think I've ever seen that pudding around here. And yippee for found books! We are a book crazy family and voracious readers.

Amanda Richardson said...

Your land is beautiful!!

Thanks for adding my button to your page!